Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Roadtrips and the Traveler's Prayer

My lovely granddaughters

I very seldom get to see my son, my only biological child -- only about once a year or so. He lives 1000 miles away in TX, so every visit is precious. When he called a few weeks ago and asked, “Can you pick me up on July 30th?” it was all I could do to contain my excitement. In my heart, I was already on the way to the airport; but, I had to contain myself for a few more weeks. The days were filled with activities and as his visit approached a bit more cleaning and cooking. You know how it goes ....

Finally, the 30th arrived and we headed towards Orlando to collect him and my two gorgeous granddaughters (ages 6 and 7 ½.) Hubby and I and Gila (our new puppy) loaded in the car and headed south on I-75. Three hours drive and plenty of time to think. This past Shabbat's message was still in my head. This past Parsha, D'varim, (Deuteronomy 1:1 to 3:22) spoke, in part, about just before the Israelites entered the promised Land, they had to rout the Canaanites. Sichon, king of the Emori and Og, king of Bashan stood in the way of the Israelites possessing what they had been promised. Would the Israelites rise to the occasion or would they fail the test? How badly did they want to acquire what they had been promised? We are no different. We face the same challenges daily. How badly do we want to take possession of what we've been promised? Our enemy lulls us to sleep with apathy or distracts us with a substitute for the greatness that has been spoken over us. We are super-conquerors according to the scriptures, but do we give up when the task seems difficult? Do we get diverted by the smoke and mirrors offered by the enemy? The questions facing the Israelites and us is do we have faith in Word; do we have faith in the promise; and are we willing to be obedient? Lots of people believe in God, the real question is, Do they believe God? Huge difference!

The enemy had put up roadblocks to my joy on this occasion too. The week before meeting up with my Son and Grand-girls included a trip to the dentist for a difficult extraction (who knew that the root of the canine/eye tooth went up to the eyeball ... or so it seemed!!). I came home and while putting something in the cupboard a can of black beans fell out and hit me in the face ... in just about the same place. OWW!! (Don't worry, I got even. I ate them!!) A few days before, someone in the mishpokha had spoken unkindly which saddened me; Hubby and I had quarreled which left me smoldering; and work and projects seemed to multiply in the dark and that feeling of being overwhelmed was starting to take hold. “BUT WAIT!! There's More!” as the infomercials say. The deal is, I know Who I believe in. He has promised to love me and take care of me. I have been promised the peace that passes all understanding. The only time I don't have that peace is when I-I-I-I-I lay it down!

So to occupy my time while I rode the three hours to Orlando (also, to ignore driving rain and the ballet dance of lane-changing that the semi-trucks seem to find so amusing) I got out my tablet and kept myself busy working on this blog. I got a substantial amount done and ... I hit the save button. It all disappeared. The original of this blog and all the other documents I had in the que were gone. I searched the file manager. Gone. I searched the SD card. Gone. All that was left was the documents that had been uploaded to “Dropbox”. I considered crying. Nope. That just leaves me with fat lips, red eyes and a stuffy nose. Again, the basics of the book “The Garden of Emuna” came to mind: Everything happens for a reason. “Must have been something in that blog Abba YHVH didn't want me to say.” I told Hubby. Hubby, to his eternal credit, was quiet. No “could-a, should-a or would-as” crossed his lips. We were close to Orlando; I put my tablet away and let out a deep sigh.

A few minutes later there was jumping and bouncing around the car as we reunited with my family. Only Gila, who at 8 months old has only been with Hubby and I, was not elated to see Son and Granddaughters. She warily stared at them and trembled like a leaf during a hurricane. We stuffed the luggage and balloons into the trunk. Once we were back in the car, Gila laid down next to my leg and slept all the way home. I drove --

The visit was so short, just 2 days! But I am ever so grateful for the time we had together. We went to the natural history museum, the butterfly pavilion and drove around showing the Grand-girls the sites of our personal history. We had pizza; we had ice cream. We watched “Lion King” .... again. My grand-girlies got massages from Grandma. They brought me baby frogs. (Ewww!) We spoiled each other rotten. It was glorious!!

Then, this morning came. I lavished one more indulgence on them: pancakes ... with whipped cream. And the 6 of us (counting Gila) piled in the car to make the return trip to Orlando. Again, the semi-truck ballet and the driving rain. Again, the Traveler's Prayer:

May it be your will YHVH our El and El of our forefathers, that You lead us toward peace, emplace our footsteps toward peace and guide us toward peace and make us reach our desired destination for life, gladness and peace and return us to our homes in peace. May You rescue us from the hand of every foe, ambush, (bandits and evil animals) along the way, and from all manner of punishments that assemble to come to earth. May You send blessing on all the works of our hands and grant us grace, kindness and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us. May You hear the sound of our supplication, because You are the Elohim Who hears prayer and supplications. Blessed are You, YHVH, who hears prayer (and I add) Through Y'shua our Messiah who is the Way back to You. Amein.

Ambush ... an interesting word. Evil animals ... surely, not in this day and age. Hmmm.

Hubby and Gila and I took the long way home, taking back roads and stopping for lunch at Chic-fil-a. The lines were long, but the service was excellent and everybody was in high spirits. We ate in the car and enjoyed every bite.  Celebrating freedom of speech is delicious!

Around 4 pm, when I realized I hadn't heard from my son, I sent the following text (His responses are preceded by an asterisk * ; mine by a dash - ).

  •       - Hola'! Hope all is well. Just wanted to check on you. Love you.
  • * We are stuck in the airplane on the tarmac. Luckily S fell asleep and O is playing her video game.
  • - OMG ... What a homecoming! YHVH be with you. Big hugs.
  • * Update at 4:25 pm ET: At a briefing, San Antonio's police chief said a caller reported three vehicles in the lower level of a parking garage contained explosives. Bomb sniffing dogs 'got three positive hits for possible explosives on three separate vehicles/” The male caller also made “non-specific threats” for both terminals. Police are trying to trace the call.
  • - Scary. Our feeling is that this may be a terrorist's test run or diversion (for a different target)
  • * No, this is real. There are about 15 planes waiting. They just brought ice. S is still asleep.
  • - Let me know when they release your plane.
  • * (at 6:15) OK, we were let out. Getting out of the airport is the challenge now.

Ambush! Who would have thought that the word would be so appropriate? Evil animals. What other description could apply?

I am indeed grateful that my Creator / Redeemer / Bridegroom / King saw fit to answer my prayers so positively. I'm even grateful that the tablet “ate my homework.”  The story wasn't finished when I wrote that version! I am so happy to have this opportunity to praise my Father! He is indeed great, and greatly to be praised! My Son and Granddaughters are safe and the enemy is defeated again. Praise Yah!!

May your travels on this sod be filled with peace.

Shalom b'shem Sar Shalom – Peace in the Name of the Prince of Peace --


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