Wednesday, April 10, 2013

And When You Have Eaten

Deu 8:6 So obey the mitzvot of YHVH your Elohim, living as He directs and fearing Him. 7 For YHVH your Elohim is bringing you into a good land, a land with streams, springs and water welling up from the depths in valleys and on hillsides. 8 It is a land of wheat and barley, grapevines, fig trees and pomegranates; a land of olive oil and honey; 9 a land where you will eat food in abundance and lack nothing in it; a land where the stones contain iron and the hills can be mined for copper. 10 So you will eat and be satisfied, and you will bless YHVH your Elohim for the good land He has given you.

For the health of it, I'm trying to eat raw foods. You know the scene: too many good, rich foods at Pesach / Passover ... and beyond. I've got to regain some semblance of control. And now, somehow, cooked food keeps showing up on my plate. It's aggravating! But you know, I am privileged to have the choice! In so many places, people have rice; rice and beans; beans and rice; rice and rice; rice and fish heads. Today, I had fresh bananas, and later a smoothie made with pineapple, berries, dates, coconut water and kale. Somehow, spaghetti showed up on my plate for lunch (a group of us cooked meals for the homeless and later together had lunch from the leftovers ); and because I was in writing mode tonight, the salad I planned for dinner became heating up some frozen spanakopita instead. (spinach pies with feta cheese. Major YUM) The point is although I am by no means wealthy (my car is 14 years old, my house 25 years old and I have some articles of clothing to match!) I am affluent enough to have a choice.

Startling when you think of it in those terms, isn't it?

Our Heavenly Father has promised to supply all our needs, which is reason enough to be grateful. Who are we, that the Creator of the Universe and everything in it commits to His creation –- obligates Himself to it -- that He will supply us with all our needs – we will lack nothing? It is amazing to me that He should do so! I have a closet full of linen clothes that I can't get around to ironing. My husband's slacks still wait for their new hem.  Sometimes, my dogs have to remind me what time it is ... their dinner is late again. But YHVH has been gracious -- and faithful to His graciousness as well. I am in awe of His benevolence! It is right to thank Him!

So I'll promise myself to do better with my eating habits tomorrow. I'll mark my penance with a kale salad – yeah, that will show me! And afterward, I'll sing:

And when you have eaten, and when you're satisfied, praise YHVH all you children, praise YHVH. And when you have eaten and when you're satisfied, praise YHVH all you children for the Land He's given you. Praise YHVH all you children for the Land He's given you! 

Shalom b'shem Sar Shalom / Peace in the Name of the Prince of Peace --

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